XXX Invite For Possible Story (IdeasSuggestions)
An Open Suggestion Post For A Possible Story Idea
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I watched last month ago on Sky Movies On Demand, the movie: Sucker Punch. It was very interesting, though I was not happy that the girls near towards the end of that movie all got killed apart from two that had survived.

I had latched onto two ideas, one was that the guy in charge of the girls, making them dance for him etc. That the girls find a way to put him through the same things and wear the same outfits he had forced them to wear.

My second idea, was with the central character being refered to a lot as the Baby Doll, that she is forced to wear diapers etc. And that way the guy gets this forced on him too.

Beyond these ideas however, I do not have much else, I want to do a story plot along the lines of Sucker Punch. Though I am hopeful that I may get more ideas later on. However, for a firsrt time ever, I would everyone to give me ideas or suggestions or anything you would like to see happen in the story.

Once I have recieved enough replies with peoples ideas etc. I can go through each of them and then start to incorporate all of those ideas, if there is any ideas or suggestions, I can not use, I will let that person know.

But it is my sincere hope to use all of the ideas/suggestions given to me. So once the story does get done, it's not just my story, it belongs to all of those who give the ideas or suggestions.

So the story will be done for all of you in mind. So please make a start with your ideas/suggestions. I shall wait for the replies to come in for this post.


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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I loved Sucker Punch!

I guess my idea would be to take the core of the film and flip it a bit. Imagine the main characters are men, imprissoned in an instituation for being sissies. But to escape they are transformed into their female alto ego's to embark on adventures that will bring them closer to the truth of their prison existence and hopefully to be able to be their real selves.
It is so nice to see a reply from you Samantha, I remember you. You are never forgotten, I hope you are well. Thank you so very much for your input and reply to this post.

That is a very interesting idea that you have. I loved Sucker Punch too, it's a really good movie, I just wished near to the end all of those girls did not get shot dead, I am glad the central character made it out of that place. Even so, it would have been nice if the rest of the girls had found a way to escape too.

What I hope to do is take eithr in part of peoples ideas, or the whole ideas, depending on how I put the story together, that is going to be the hardest part, though I am up to the challenge and I love a good challenge.

I do not know how much of everyones ideas I will be able to incorporate, though I will try my best and hardest to incorporate as many ideas as possible. I may find needing to take everyones ideas, and take out the best parts, or the ones that will work.

I wont know what is going to work or wont, since this is as I have said, not just my story, though yes, I will be typing it all out. I will be attepting to write the story for those who make the suggestions, from those suggestions I will get a god idea of that persons ideal fantasy and mentally to some extent I will be placing my self in the mindset of those that make the suggestions, then draw from that to do the story, so even I wont't know the result I am going to end up getting as I do the story as it delevelops.

Plus I have a genuine gift of reading people, I make no joke of this and I know some may be sceptical of this. All of my life, I have been able to tell things about people, I get a sense about them, at itmes it is a bit of a hit and miss thing, I am not always right, but I am nto always completely wrong either, sometimes somethigns I pick up I get certain things wrong here and there. Other than this I have, and this is absolutely true, I do get a lot of what I pick up from people, to be right.

I can get a sense of a person in many ways, my ability works at it's best when I see a person face to face and have been able to shake them by the hand, though physical contact is not too important, it does help to increase my abilities.

They are not well developed, but I do have them, and it is easy to find that other people have this same/similar ability that I speak of, I am not too sure what the term is for those that do what I do, though it's nto easy to mention such things, as a lot of peopl do tend to dismiss such abilities.

But they fail to see or even realise, we are all gifted in many ways, some are gifted in ways we have not yet become aware of, but these gifts are very much real and part of our evolution of the human race. We all can either learn from these gifts accept and embrace them with open arms, or ignore and deny them and not accept others have them.

That is their choice, people will always be different from each other, I can only hoipe that one day we shall all come to accept and embrace all of our differences.


 I loved Sucker Punch!

I guess my idea would be to take the core of the film and flip it a bit. Imagine the main characters are men, imprissoned in an instituation for being sissies. But to escape they are transformed into their female alto ego's to embark on adventures that will bring them closer to the truth of their prison existence and hopefully to be able to be their real selves.  


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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