PG Who inspires you?
Who do you look up to?
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I'm just wondering who all my sissy friends look up to as role models.  )

I wuv everyone no matter what.
I am happy to take any cutie that needs me :)

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well i cant really say anyone in particular. mainly just people that arent afraid to be themselves. people that dont care what anyone thinks about them. those people inspire me to stand up for myself and be who i want to be.

one user on here that inspired me a lot was oopsiepanty. sadly she havent been on in quite some time. i miss her.
HiHI Blackjaguar. I'm a mommy to and one of the people who inspire me is my sweet toddler Jen(sissy-toddler-jen). She's funny and kind and can make me feel better when we chat.
The other person here is Jennifer Funshine. She has been my friend almost as long as I have been a member here. She's my favorite poet and her work helps me cope with the stress of everyday life. I look forward to reading the poems that she writes.
I also have a dear friend Bridget She's one of the Mods here on SK chat. Her kindness and love seem boundless. She treats every one with respect and I'm lucky to be able to count her as a friend.
The world is a better place with these wonderful people here.
Amanda (Jen's mommy and Jenny's and Bridget's friend)
"The Flowers of Friendship "
By Jennifer Funshine

~ Written For Amanda ~

A gentle butterfly flutters by her window
The subtle breeze kisses her cheek tenderly
Only Heaven can hear the words she whispers
Only angels have seen the color of her dreams

There's a special memory kept within a locket
Next to the ivory music chest upon her dresser
When that ballerina dances, Amanda remembers
How those dreams gave her the strength to be free

And believe...
In the flowers of friendship
Camellia, jasmine and daisy chains
And in my heart is sown only one wish
That she know the gift of love, unashamed

At it's core this earth we adore is loveless
People's compassion always plays hide and seek
Still, Amanda stands before these foolish judges
And with every word she expresses in her speech
The garden of her soul grows even more vibrantly

Rain like tears of joy descend upon supple twilight
Starry sky painted with majestic hues of rose-violet
Adorned in pink satin panties and tangerine sun dress
Amanda lovingly tends to her garden, full of happiness

So full of happiness...
In the flowers of friendship
Marigold, delphiniums and sage
Her love unfolds through the ages
She knows every one by their names.
With Much Love
Cushie Chloe
Yes. Bridget is very kind. She is like a mother to all of us.
Jennifer Funshine
I don't think I have a role model in particular, there have been several people here
that have inspired me though. Most notably would be the older members of Sissy Kiss,
though it pains me to mention their names as they are no longer present.

A special thank you to Amanda for her words... they mean so much to me! *hugs*

I tend to look up to the "Care Bears" a lot, hence my original SK name, "Funshine Bear."
Having said that, I can only hope that none of my actions have left anyone feeling deserted and I encourage everyone to message me, old and new as I love making friends.
My problem however is right now I have no real role model in my life, no one to push me
to accomplish more. I have tried to serve as an inspiration for others to look up to
but in the end I'm just a little baby, scared and confused by the world
and virtually everything that exists therein.

If there is goodness and inspiration to be had someplace, by all means direct me to it...
I have been in a rut of depression as of late, it is only now I have gathered the courage
to state it plainly here. Sorry if this turned into a rant, by the way :(
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