PG 13 im sorry
just sorry
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i feel i owe an apology that may get me banned here but oh well. im sorry for who i am, im sorry if ive hurt peoples feelings, im sorry if you like to think of me as a troll and im sorry for being me. im sorry people dont like me and im sorry if i seem self centered. but what im not sorry for is bein a book that has been judged by its cover. all i have to say is in chat i may not be in anymore, ive realize i dont belong there. sorry for being a waste of time. im not bein a smartass or anything im being as serious as i can get and im bein as sincere as possible in saying sorry.
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Not sure what you are apologizing for. I have thoroughly enjoyed two of your stories. I have also not participated in the Chat Room, so I am unaware of any "troll tendencies." But, to paraphrase an old line: "Trolls are people, too."

Quit putting yourself down. Self-fulfilling prophecies (especially negative ones) are never good for the soul. Be gentle with yourself and your psyche. And be bold: dare to recreate yourself in a new image. In some sense, transformation is what this site is all about.

Blessings to you, and

Walk in Beauty,


 i feel i owe an apology that may get me banned here but oh well. im sorry for who i am, im sorry if ive hurt peoples feelings, im sorry if you like to think of me as a troll and im sorry for being me. im sorry people dont like me and im sorry if i seem self centered. but what im not sorry for is bein a book that has been judged by its cover. all i have to say is in chat i may not be in anymore, ive realize i dont belong there. sorry for being a waste of time. im not bein a smartass or anything im being as serious as i can get and im bein as sincere as possible in saying sorry.  

Haven't you already done this. Maybe if you weren't such a downer people would respond more positively :)
You aren't the only person in the world who feels misdjudged etc and as TiresiasRex hinted, if you believe it you will manifest it. Negative thoughts will never achieve anything positive. Chin up, this is just a site for likeminded relatively happy people to hang out and share thoughts, anyone is welcome.
Im not sure why you have to be sorry but thanks anyway.
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