So im planning on starting to transition
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Well the title says it all:
Im planning to start transitioning but i have questions that id like to ask every body.
1) in order to prep myself i want to lose weight, as well as clearup my acne and train my voice.... does anyone have any tips or suggestions to help me do these three things?

2) ive studied the tsroadmap and it seems the most important thing is facial feminization surgery.... How effective is this? I unfortunately am not very feminine looking at all so im worried that ill never be able to pass.T_T

Id appreciate any help i can get.

ty in advance^^.
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 2) ive studied the tsroadmap and it seems the most important thing is facial feminization surgery.... How effective is this? I unfortunately am not very feminine looking at all so im worried that ill never be able to pass.T_T  

I sadly can't yet speak from experience, but I've done my share of research. Thankfully, the majority of super-manly features are all 'bony'. Brow ridges, wide chins, jawlines... It's my understanding that shaving away bone is fairly straightforward, at least compared to fleshier bits like the nose.

From what I've seen, you can definitely end up with a passable, feminine face - but you really do have to work with what you have - that is, modification of your existing features. You can't just go in and pick out a random nose (for example); even genetic girls who do that end up looking monstrously fake. ^^

Just be sure to research the heck out of your cosmetic surgeon. They should insist on consultation before doing any work, and should be able to back up what they're saying with before/after photos of their skills. (Even though there's a lot of ... how shall I say, paranoia - around this sort of thing, they should still have *some* example.) Honestly, try to find someone who specializes in FFS rather than some random surgeon; they're going to know what they (and you) are up against and what to expect.

Best of luck! ^^
Ok well I'm in the middle of my transition. And this is the secold time for me the first time things went wrong. Ok big thing is of course professional help. It legally validates your condition as genuine and not some perve in a ladies restroom. Ok benjimen standards of care. Know them well it will help you navigate the psycological minefeild. Hormone theropy I think is number one after psycological counsil. They will give you a fem shape and help you function mentally as a woman. Then comes the cosmetics. The surgerys in order for me. Srs first and foremost then ffs maybe bigger breasts and hips. I hope this helps hun. Oh and you can contact me any time if you need someone to talk to. The contacts in my profile are up to date
Years ago I was put into a situation I wasn't prepared for. I was forcibly raped and beaten. The trauma of that event I still carry with me today and I swear it will never happen again. I urge all you ladies never leave home without protection like this Pepper Shot Pager.

Shoot me a private email, and I'll send you what I have on voice feminization, as well as some random other tidbits on making a smooth crossover.

how can i start ?
you are so brave, good luck!
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