I'm So Excited!!!
This is going to be the best summer ever!
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So I talked to my Dad for the first time in almost a month, and the plans for my summer before Senior year were laid out: I get out on May 20, and the day after that, I'm going to Orlando for the rest of the summer. The first week I'm there, I'm going to the Harry Potter park at Universal Studios. My stepmommy is an exec. there (Director of Catering) so i get a lot of perks including free admission and food, no waiting in line, and discounts on all merchandise and souveneirs bought within the entire resort complex including the Hard Rock Hotel. She also got 2pm+ Seasonal Passes for Aquatica (Sea World's official water park) meaning that if it's after 2 pm, me and Daddy can just walk in and not have to pay for a whole year! Isn't that great? My grandmother also confirmed with me that i will have $5000 to spend as i wish! (my gramparents are obscenely rich and spoil me immensely xD) Also, my family and I are going to one of Daddy's beach houses at New Smyrna, and my bedroom will be the game and rec room with its own bathroom, shower, mini-fridge, patio, and balcony overlooking the beach. And that's still not the best part! My BFF Daniel Klima from Hannan Academy, who moved to Kansas my 6th grd year, is coming to visit me for about 2 weeks. Daddy is a party monster, and throws a bunch of wild ones when at the beach house, and practically every friend he has will be there, while i'm able to have all the soda i want ^^ AND THAT'S STILL NOT THE BEST PART!!! While Daniel is with us, Daddy is taking me and him to the VAN'S Warped Tour '11 with front-row seats and backstage passes!! *squeals* I'M GONNA MEET A DAY TO REMEMBER!!! OMG!! And to top it all off, if i pass all my classes, Daddy said he'd buy me a 2011 Honda CR-Z (Sport/Hybrid) *faints from overexcitement* I don't think imma be depressed again for a long time XD
 Hugs and kisses from Kawaii Pi! (Aura)
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awww that sounds amazing! i hope you have tons of fun, bring back lotsa pictures :D we need proof of when you meet famous people? ;) that just sounds like such a miraculous time though, i hope it turns out even better than you expected~
Little sissy boy
wow your really lucky sis

Sissy sister to Kawaii Pi and Diapeyboy21
sounds great. i hope you have fun! be sure get dressed up and enjoy your sissy side wile your there. its not often you get to spend 2 months in a city where no one knows you. so enjoy it while you can!
Mistress Amber
Sounds great, hope you have a wonderful time xx
Little sissy boy
Now i'm really jealous one of my favorite bands Blood on the dance floor is going to be there
Kawaii Pi
Woah, u serious sis? there one of my favs too and didnt know tht... O.O
 Hugs and kisses from Kawaii Pi! (Aura)
Little sissy boy
welll i heard they were going to be there
Do you get some time to dress up?
Kawaii Pi
i'll be with my dad the whole time, and i'm too nervous to dress up around him...
OH, that's too bad. But, you still get to have fun at least.
Sounds like a crazy time, hope you pass those tests!!!
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