idea for a story
i have ideas but i can never write them out
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but heres the idea if anyone wants to write it so here i go now you all know richie rich well his parents want a baby girl right when richie turns 18yrs old so they have the professor whip up a machine which was to materialize a baby girl but instead it misfired from its location for a baby to appear and hit and changed richie rich into rachel rich i dont know about the name if you have a better one than use it and his or should i say her clothes started turning in to cutest most adorable and frilliest girl clothes imaginable and then his manhood became a virgin womanhood and his skin became as smooth as silk and did i not mention that on contact from the ray he lost complete control of bladder and bowels by the way he had no diaper and a buffet lunch and a lot of water picture that mess for the butlers to clean up and so Her parents were unhappy that they lost there boy but they gained there baby girl which they wanted and dressed her in the poofiest diapers imaginable because she was a heavy wetter and a messy baby well as you can see im not a writer but i had the idea and its for anyone to use 
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