hurt and crying
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Why are ther no good guys out there. Everyone I meet looks at me like a freek or just a sexual fetish. All the guys on line want is some pics to jerk off too and then never talk again when their done while I'm there trying to get to know them and the others start out ok with you but their interest fades as the novilty of their fetish wears off. I can't keep up trying to put my heart out and it only gets broke. I'm a girl and I have feelings too! Despite what they may envion it hurts to have your heart stepped on. I want someone to love who will love me for me and let me be the center of their universe. I want someone to hold me and wipe my tears away and say don't cry I love you
Years ago I was put into a situation I wasn't prepared for. I was forcibly raped and beaten. The trauma of that event I still carry with me today and I swear it will never happen again. I urge all you ladies never leave home without protection like this Pepper Shot Pager.

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It is difficult finding nice people sometimes, especially if you admit to being a sissy. One thing you could do is not share pictures of you in a revealing way to limit the amount of people clawing at you for more. For most 'guys' they only want someone to fulfill their fantasy and aren't serious about meeting either because they're married and hiding from their wives or too scared to do anything beyond chat. I hope you press on and have better luck soon.  
Sissy sarah
Oh my darling Little soul sister  

I tried to warn you dear and like pastel Prince is saying there are ALOT of perverts out there darling and its NOT a good ídea to send pics to them sweetie   HOWEVER there are ALSO good guys out there hon BUT you HAVE to try to have PATIENCE dear Mr right is out there some were dear and JUST like ALL other girls in the world we just have to find heem dear .And on the way we WILL get the wrong ones too im afraid (sigh)

AND believe me dear i know very well that bthis road of being a TS is a SAD and LONG and Lonely road to travel dear BUT there is ALWAYS hope darling NEVER EVER loose hope

big hugs from TV Rinske....
Sissy Jenni
Dear 'Sis'    

In sales they taught me that to find customers with whom I close the sales with, is a 'numbers game'; you just have to keep trying. That having been said, one also has to develop an understanding of where best to look. The internet is so vast, one can really only learn thru experience which avenues work better than others.

I believe the advice on not revealing too much in pix, at first, makes sense.

Maybe Mr. Right will be found on campus, should you decide to return to school...

Love & Hugs!  
Sissy Jenni
Thanks for your support ladies. It ended up he was having a bad week. Hard to find work around here. But I confronted him a day later and he aplogized and explained how he felt. And we've been talking and back to normal now
Thanks again
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