PG 13 Who are you Humiliated by the most?
I'm just curious as to who would you be the most humiliated by if they saw you dressed in your sissy outfit?
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 I was reading some comments and someone offered a decent question that I'd love to see answered by others, which is, "If the door suddenly opened and you were in your sissy outfit, who would you be humiliated by the most if they saw you?"

I feel there is good humiliating milage out of a girl that I  dated, but since I tried to hide my sissy fetish I couldn't do much in the bedroom. For her to see me in a sissy outfit with "cummies" in my diaper, well it's safe to say that there isn't much more that could humiliate me to that extreme.

But I would love to hear some other ideas! Maybe there is another angle for another answer that is even more humiliating! 
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