R Horror Tv Show ~ Woman Trapped As A Baby
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There doesn't seem to be an embed option on the video, but the rundown of it is that in a corny British horror show called Pyschoville, a young woman was frozen in shock by the events at the end of the first season, and was now being kept as a baby by a psychotic woman who thought that her doll had turned into the woman. There's references to diaper usage, amongst other things.
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 There doesn't seem to be an embed option on the video, but the rundown of it is that in a corny British horror show called Pyschoville, a young woman was frozen in shock by the events at the end of the first season, and was now being kept as a baby by a psychotic woman who thought that her doll had turned into the woman. There's references to diaper usage, amongst other things.  

I, for one, would watch it! (or maybe even wish to star in it!) Thanks for the reference, ausdpr!
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