I had a horable nightmare last night.
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I had a horable nightmare last night and woke up scard.

I dreamed that I was running away from a mexican gange with gunns.
they were chasing me through a ganged out neighborhood.
they were shooting at me the whole time too. I was running as fast as I could runn. which was very fast. turning every corner I could find running and jumping through backyards running down the streets past all the houses. then I made it to a store ran up and down all the grocery store aisle while being shot at. grocerys being blowen off the shelfs by the bullets.
then I ran out the store and ran through more of the neighbor hood still trying to get away from em. they keeped chacing me and shooting at me while I was dodging there bullets as best as I could. my hart about to explode as I was rinning my legs burning with lots of pain. But I keeped trying to get away and they keeped trying to shoot me down.
I tryed to hide behind any car I could find the windows keeped shatering so I keeped rinning jumping over backyard fences and knew that they wern't far behind at all.
U could here the loud sounds of the gun fire and bullets hitting everything but me thus far. I ran and ran some more I could here them saying stuff in spanish. saying were gunna get u and blow you away u bitch mfer. the swet from my head comming down my face and was burning my eyes. so I wipe it away and keeped running as fast as I possibly could. I would look back every so often to see if they were still chacing me and they were catching up to me fast as they could. and some of the some of the people in the neighbor hood on there front lawns were being blown away from the bullets.
I ran so long and so far thet I turned down this one street and made to a building and finely lost them.
then a screen poped and said u have made it to level #2. then said now auto saving or process.

then I woke up.
and I felt like this during the whole dream.
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Hmmm, that does sound like a pretty immersive dream. I can see why you had trouble figuring out that it wasn't real. The best thing, really the best thing you could do after a dream like that would be to go comfort yourself with a "sissy" hour, maybe even falling asleep in some girly clothes in your case. Anything, anything to put your mind in a different place.

aww, poor girl! *hugs* what a terrible dream. i have bad dreams when i sleep without some of comport item. usually the teddy bear i've had since i was 2.

maybe try cuddling up with your favorite stuffed animal. it always helps me.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
well I was sleeping with my girly nightgown on and was using a passie also.
and I had some nursery rhyme songs playing on my stareo.

So I really don't know why I had a dream like this.
but when I woke up my hart was in pain.

maybe I need to get a tedy bear.

thanks for stoping by. hugs...
Sissy Wanda C
Maybe your subconish is trying to tell you something. What you describe sounds a lot like Artrilla Scolrosis. Or P A D. Pain in the legs and/or chest. Perhaps a checkup at doctors office would be wise. It's odd to FEEL in a dream. But don't panic. Could be to much tv too. If dream repeated to me I'd see a doctor pronto! I'm paranoid though so stay calm.
Bestest dreams
Sissy Wanda C
well the next 2 nights I had 2 more dreams like that one.
one was about cops chacing me through an airport the night after that it was 20 foot tall robots built with guns all over then they were chaceing me in that one too.

but every sence then I have only had good dreams. so thats good.
1 that I had 2 nights ago was about me being in an adult Nursery and if was fun.
Sissy Wanda C
Don't panic. Try changeing your routine before bed.Example.Take a long hot bath/shower before bed one night then light exercise the next. If you have a fun dream then do that all the time. Allways have a blank paper and pencil/pen handy and write down as much as you can remeber asap.Sometimes a dream that was scarey is funny when you look close later.Besides any dream is a good because it means you reached Rem sleep the deepest sleep.I do hope you have sweet dreams all the time.
Ah to dream dreams.
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