All R Hiya
Hiya to everyone here
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I've been reading this site for a while and finally made and account today. I've always felt like a girl but only recently confronted my feelings on this. So about me I'm kind of shy but really social when I am comfortable. I love video games, fashion, and anime and I love putting on my nappy and onesie and just relaxing. I love making new friends and want to learn how to be a better sissy baby.

<3<3 Alli
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hi darling how are you

welcome to sissy kiss
Little Bo Peep
Hi Alli,

Welcome to sissykiss  

I hope you find here the things you seek, whether that be answers, friends, pretty clothes, or stories.

There's so many different personalities here, and everyone pops by looking for their own unique take on what it is to be "sissy".

Like you I too am happiest when I have things under wraps and all tucked away inside a body or onesie, or on dancing days a tutu leotard.

  Have fun here, little one.

Little Bo Peep
Fancy Free & Frilly
Not following the sheep


Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, nice to meet you.

 I've been reading this site for a while and finally made and account today. I've always felt like a girl but only recently confronted my feelings on this. So about me I'm kind of shy but really social when I am comfortable. I love video games, fashion, and anime and I love putting on my nappy and onesie and just relaxing. I love making new friends and want to learn how to be a better sissy baby.

<3<3 Alli  

Hello Alli  

Thank you for coming out of lurk mode and joining the ranks of Sissykiss participants. Your case is very typical. I had girl feeling myself since I was little. I'm glad to see you've come to terms with your inner girl.

On some mornings I like to wear nappies. On others, I wear girlie-clothes. And too, I like to wear lingerie under my en homme clothes when in my real life I go to the office to put in a day's work. Today I'm going to be wearing a very feminine, pink pantliner with lace at the cuffs. Very femme, very sissy. Sissy delights for everyone!

I tried to welcome you yesterday, but something went wrong with the SIssykiss server so maybe now, this post will go through.

Curtsies in the best Little Girl tradition,


 I've been reading this site for a while and finally made and account today. I've always felt like a girl but only recently confronted my feelings on this. So about me I'm kind of shy but really social when I am comfortable. I love video games, fashion, and anime and I love putting on my nappy and onesie and just relaxing. I love making new friends and want to learn how to be a better sissy baby.

<3<3 Alli  

Hi from SissyJJ too!
Welcome from another sissy baby. I tend to be shy, too.

It's not a competition, though. And you don't have to live up to anyone else's standards of babyhood. Instead of trying to be a "better sissy baby" I would try to be the kind of sissy baby you enjoy being the most. What do you like about being a baby girl? What role are you the most comfortable in? What kind of relationships do you want to be in with other people? Those are the sorts of things I'd focus on.

You'll find many kindred spirits here. Have fun!
- Sissy Desiree

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