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Hi, I am just introducing myself.

I am glad to be here, and I have been on this site reading stories for a very long time. I love this place and I hope to make some friends :) If you have any questions please ask, I love questions!

bye for now. :D
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Hello from Sissy JJ! 
Sissy Jenni
Hi! Welcome to Sissy Kiss! I love the stories too. They're one of the most popular features of this site, I think!

Is the name 'Shippo' from an anime character?? (Maybe I should just Google it.) ^_^
Sissy Jenni
tehe, thank you for saying hello.

Sissy Jenni, yes Shippo is from the anime "INUYASHA" He is my fav char on there, he is just too cuuuute  D
Sissy Jenni
Uhmm. Speaking of which, Labor Day celebrations comming up. This will be my first tme ever as a sissy! The local Japanese community has kinda dominated this weekend since WWII (Gee, wonder why.... ). Spend money on crafts! Pretty t-shirts and new purses!
Sissy Jenni

 Hi, I am just introducing myself.

I am glad to be here, and I have been on this site reading stories for a very long time. I love this place and I hope to make some friends :) If you have any questions please ask, I love questions!

bye for now. :D  

Hello Shippo

I luv this place too. Since you don't mind questions, what are your interests? How do you see yourself, i.e. Young Girl? Adult Baby?

As for myself, I luv the young girl phenom. In my dreams I see a happy 8 year old girl who skips and hops when she's happy and loves to express a joyful young girl personality. Sometimes I like to wear a nappy (diaper) and get it real warm and wet.

Please, feel free to participate in any thread that catches your fancy!

Sweetness and luv,

Baby Butch
Welcome to the site, nice to meet a new friend.
Very nice Jenni!! I bet that will be a very good time :) wish I could do something like that lol.

Prissie, I do love questions so thank you for asking :)

My intrests. hmm.. well, aside from dressing in baby girl dress's and diapers and such, I spend my time writing poems/stories. I talk to a lot of people on my msn or xbox. Though my fav thing to do is pretend to be a lil baby girl, well I say pretend but to me its very real :) Only wish I had someone to take care of me and be my mommy of sorts. Ah...in time i guess.
I see myself as a baby girl, who cant take care of herself and does not/cant make any decisions. One who wears cute frilly dresses all the time and wears a diaars 24/7. Ah nice dreams lol.
Though yes thats how I see myself :)

Nice to meet you too Baby Butch :)

Again, any of you want to chat more my mssn is [EMAIL="Shippo18@live.com"]Shippo18@live.com[/EMAIL].
I am more able to get on there than here most of time. So yea, just saying :)
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