Hidden desire? Or mere fantasies?
Just somethin' on my mind~
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Hm...y'know, the more I browse through the various topics and discussions on Sissy Kiss, the more I think maybe I don't belong. Is this simply common among new members? I mean, I only joined so many hours ago. It's just, I don't have any deep desire to be a female, or anything like that...Well, alright, I may have "experimented" with my sister's clothing a good 3 times in the past...Don't most guys in this day and age do that at least once in their life, though?...Also true, I found it fairly arousing doing so...I think, the simple fact that I knew what I was doing was so "wrong" and "naughty" is what was turning me on so much...and, well, the panties...the way the soft material hugged up against my crotch like that, was so surprisingly stimulating...*sweatdrop* This isn't really adding to my point much, is it? I think what I'm trying to say is...while I find it fun to fantasize about a lot of this stuff, actually living it might be far beyond my boundaries. Is that weird? I hate the post limits. >.
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So much more I wanted to say~...Ah well, I think I got my thoughts across, for the most part. *snicker* Mind anyone reading, I think the post limit thing might be due to the fact I'm on my PS3. Whether or not there are usually limits in these topic posts, I'm not certain.
What you described doesn't seem odd at all. There is such a wide spectrum of different people that are on this site and that is what is so cool about it that we are here together embracing what we have in common.
Well that does lift my spirits a bit, thank you...I'm sure though as I meet and get to know new people I'll start to feel more welcome. :3 In fact, I already do.
Welcome to the board!

As mentioned, there is a wide spectrum of interests on here, and if you like to fantasize about it, but not live it, that is fine. In my opinion some things are better left as fantasies anyway, but that is up to each person to decide for themselves. I wouldn't say it's weird at all, I'd say it's healthy to have some limits and know them.

Besides, what constitutes "weird" now-a-days anyway?
*chuckles* True enough...It is important to keep some kind of border between fantasy and reality. At least in my opinion. I consider myself pretty diverse, far from your average "straight guy". A lot of things though, I prefer only to RP, and fantasize about in my "alone time"...not that there's anything wrong with living the dream. Just a personal thing, aye? Then, there 'are' little things I'd be willing to try at least once, so it's not completely fantasy...I get the point though. There is a wide array of different people at Sissy Kiss, for different reasons. All of which I'm sure are awesome. I'm comfortable with being here now. <3
Baby Butch
Welcome to sissy kiss, enjoy whats good for you.
Well thanks for the welcome~, I do appreciate it. :3
SFKangaroo, your thoughts sound very similar to my own in terms of not wanting to be an actual girl. I don't either. Like the other members said, we all want different things and all of us are welcome here.   Hope you enjoy yourself!
Truly? Well, glad to know I'm not alone in the matter...though I guess it should have been expected. I mean, I can't be the only one on here who sees it this way, right? I'm sure there are plenty more.
My own desires have become less and less over the months, but I still feel at home here simply because whatever else I am, I am definitely no alpha male, and I enjoy being around people who celebrate rather than ridicule or condemn that fact. There is certainly no pattern you have to conform to to be here. I recall that when I first came, I worried that I didn't belong as most of the people here were fans of AB/DL whereas I was only interested in feminisation, but everyone was most encouraging and accepting.
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
kangaroo, you certainly belong here!

It doesn't matter that you don't want to "be" a female . Here is the way I look at this for myself:

I am male. (OMG, and I allowed to say that in here? *giggle*) When I occassionally dress, or go online and act sissy-ish, I see that as a broadening of my sexual identity rather than a denial of my masculinity. And frankly the clothes are not the central aspect of it. Rather, it is allowing myself the freedom which enables my mind to release itself from the confines of what is regarded as a "male" mode of relating. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with that mode, just that I enjoy experiencing more than that.

So, to whatever extent being here embellishes your sense of self (as strongly male as that sense of self may or may not be), then being here is a good thing :)

Don't worry about whether you "should" be here. As others have said, we are here for a variety of reasons, and we represent a full spectrum of "girlyness".

Welcome, and have a good time :)

a warm welcome from brittany! glad to have you here. as everyone else has said there are more kinds of people on here than you'd believe.

when i first joined i felt as though i didnt quite belong either, but it didnt take long at all to relieve that worry. i love this site! and im so glad i joined!

i was in the same state of mind as you for quite some time. i liked the fantasy but didnt really want to live it. of course all of that has changed in recent years, but that doesnt mean it will for you, and theres nothing wrong with that. we here at SK embrace people from all walks of life and all states of mind.

once again welcome and enjoy!

i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
Leslie Ann
Take it from one who has been around the block, when you found the site you felt a want and/or need to sign on. Once done the motivation behind why should have left your mind. I've only been here a few hours and have found the posts to be warm and wonderful. The best thing about being here is the diversity! Girls and non girls of all types are here, have fun with it.

Yes some of us can seem a bit over the top or a bit much, take that as it is. I got so tired of the 'usual' girl board chat fights and trolls hustling for a quicky I was truely refreshed by what I've seen so far. I look forward to many a wonderful evening curled up with my puter and getting to know as many PEOPLE as possible.

Even if you just fancy yourself as an admirer, welcome! I'm sure everyone is happy to have you with us.
as everyone said there is a broad range, there is fantasy and reality, private and public and don't just think about male or female or gay and straight. there are also starting points and fluidity. as long as you don't harm others, it's all good. the important thing is to find who you are, and embrace yourself *giggles*.
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