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Hi everyone im new to the whole website. I am currently in diapers until my girlfriend says other wise )= but I love every minute of it. She even goes as far as putting a sexy pair of panties over my diaper to let me know whos boss sometimes. Anyway I just wanted to say hi to everyone.
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Welcome to the forum, dear, and thank you for that lovely little insight into your life. ;) Nice to hear you're having such a good time, and I hope you enjoy yourself almost as much here. ***Hugs and kisses***
Hello ^^

Nice to meet you, hope you have lots of fun! :3
"Cotton streaks of rose tangerine
Shades the sunlight's parting gleam
I can feel the breeze caress my cheeks
Whispering melodies lost inside my heart
Violets and daisies line the fields of the park
As I see Ryobaby, picking flowers before dark
For the Sissy Kiss family playing just as they are.

As evening's twilight blossoms behind
The pale, silver moon arising into the sky
Sweet and girly sissies cradle their dollies
Each grasping a violet flower at their side
Given by the compassionate Ryobaby
Whose verses continue to inspire me
Yet time is fading, forgive my inconsistency
I cry for a dream that's more than make-believe
Forever in your honor, Princess of My Twilight"

~Funshine Bear~
I'd feel sorry for you, but I know you're loving every minute of it 

Welcome to SK. I hope you have a lot of fun here.
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