My name's Nate, though "Nat" seems slightly more apropos for this site. Well, since i was younger I kind of leaned toward being an adult baby, but honestly I sort of repressed that part of who I am. For the longest time, I just refused to acknowledge it, only surfing sites like Deviant Art and looking at the lovely art one finds on there. I was sort of jealous that these people felt they could be out in the open in a manner of speaking.
Well, after 27 years I'm finally getting my own private space. I've lived "alone" for awhile, but when I first left home it was for military and then I went and got engaged to be married. Only recently that fell apart (though in probably the best way possible in that we're still great friends.) So, I'm going to have my own private space for the first time and I decided to finally take the plunge and buy a baby outfit and some diapers for myself, just to enjoy in my privacy and comfort. I started surfing and... well...
I found myself looking at and contemplating buying a frilly and satin baby girl dress more than anything else.
Honestly, I was a little... well.. disconcerted. I had never even contemplated that before. I mean, I knew about sissies being a closeted adult baby. I didn't really think it was for me. I'm never one to judge someone at all; whatever makes people happy. But... Me? I mean, I'm former military, a stocky man with no real feminine features. Well, I have some full lips, but I don't know about anything else. I'm not an expert.
I suppose I signed on here to sort of... Validate it in a way. To talk about it with people who understand. I'm really sick of repressing some of my impulses and a little positive reinforcement from people who do understand and don't judge may be the ticket.
So yeah. Hi, I'm Nat.
"They see you as small and helpless
They see you as just a child
Surprise when they find out that a warrior will soon run wild
Prepare for your greatest moments
Prepare for your finest hour
The dream that you've always dreamed is
Suddenly about to flower"