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Hi My Name Is Simon To Gracie Why?
It All Started With My Older Sister Room. She Want's Me To Be Her Lil Sissy Baby Girly Girl Sister.i Refuse To Be Her Sissy.then She Lock The Door Quickly When I Sat Down For A Moment She Bring Me Some Dress,makeup,perfume And Some Pink Nail Polish Then I Notice She's Gonna Turned Me Fem.
I Ran Away Then All Of The Sudden My Mother Came In A Grab Me Then She Tell Me To Be More Feminine And Talk Me Some Girl Stuff That No Boys Would Know. And Do What My Mother And My Sis Told Me To.
So They Wants Me To Join Sissykiss.i Have No Other Choice But To Saw All The Girly Suff In This Site.then I Undress Myself And Put On Some Girly Outfit That My Sister Bought I Din't Know Like A Princess,ballerina,barbie Outfit And My Mother Put Me Some Thick Makeup Like A Barbie Doll And Polish My Nails So They Can See My Sissy Nails Perfectly And They Need A Girl Who Has Experience To Make Me More Feminine.

So Does Anyone In Sissykiss Want Me A Boy Or A Sissy Baby Girl
Please Say Boy I Don't Want To Be A Girly Girl Forever!!
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Baby Butch
What you say is interesting and you better listen to Mom and Sister. There is a lot of stories about female family feminizing a boy for fun here and at PDQ.
My problem was my dad, he put a stop to my mom or sisters feminizing me except when I was very young and he did not know about it. I liked it and did some wearing of sisters clothes anyway when I could keep it secret. Welcome to Sissy Kiss and have fun, I am more of a sissybaby now and like diapers.

Did your sister put you in her panties too? That's usually the beginning in most stories I read. Being a boy with 3 sisters there was occasionally a pair of girls nylon breifs for me to put on because my underwear was not washed yet. : ) (what's the difference, they are just underwear they said)


 Hi My Name Is Simon To Gracie Why?
It All Started With My Older Sister Room. She Want's Me To Be Her Lil Sissy Baby Girly Girl Sister.i Refuse To Be Her Sissy.then She Lock The Door Quickly When I Sat Down For A Moment She Bring Me Some Dress,makeup,perfume And Some Pink Nail Polish Then I Notice She's Gonna Turned Me Fem.


So Does Anyone In Sissykiss Want Me A Boy Or A Sissy Baby Girl
Please Say Boy I Don't Want To Be A Girly Girl Forever!!  

Gracie, part of what it means to live in a free country is, you don't HAVE to be feminine all the time nor masculine all the time unless you want to be. Why not dress feminine when you feel that way, and go back to being Simon when you have your job to go to? That's what I, and many of us here, do.


Agree with Prissie on that one my dear I love being both Male/Female it makes life so much more enjoyable when you have options lol. I love beards and such as a Man but I love makeup and such as a Women (the beard come off of course lol). Welcome and BIG HUGS!!! im also a big child at heart too ~giggles~.
Welcome - sometimes you need to find your own identity and it is hard in a family situation like yours.

Nothing wrong expressing both sides.
Sissy Sonja
Hey sweety,

sounds like a difficult situation you're in there. I think being a sweet little sissy girl is something that has to come from deep inside of you. It shouldn't be forced on you by your family. On the other hand, family sometimes knows stuff about you that you never even thought about. Maybe you'll figure out that you're really into being girlish, wearing pretty panties and frilly dresses. And then maybe you'll be a thankful little girl one day.
I would have been so thankful to have a family that understands and supports my sissy feelings but had to hide them all the time instead. I always wished to have a sister that could show me the right way to live, to dress and to use make-up. Had a hard time to figure all of this out by myself.
So just test it for a while. And if you don't like it convince your mommy to stop it.

1000 sweet kisses
Sissy Sonja
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