All R Hi been a fan for a while been too shy to post
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Hi, I fell in love with the artwork here a while ago but been too shy to talk to anyone here. Well I am i guess coming to terms with sissydom, ever since a realised my pathetically small male parts behaved more female than male. Whenever i came to a site like this I would soak my hotpants with excited sisy juices so much i realised I should be wearing a diaper full time, I already have a pathetically small bladder and have a wetting problem. The diaper sissy artwork here just makes me want to be a diapersissy even more, at the moment my diapers are a necessity, I just wish they could be something I enjoyed. Sorry if this repels you but I can't help the way I am. I have had this secret for a while and just feel i would love to chat about it.

I love to be diapered and hypnotized.
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 Hi, I fell in love with the artwork here a while ago but been too shy to talk to anyone here. Well I am i guess coming to terms with sissydom, ever since a realised my pathetically small male parts behaved more female than male. Whenever i came to a site like this I would soak my hotpants with excited sisy juices so much i realised I should be wearing a diaper. The diaper sissy artwork here just makes me want to be a diapersissy even more. Sorry if this repels you but I can't help the way I am. I have had this secret for a while and just feel i would love to chat about it.

I love to be diapered and hypnotized.  

Welcome to Sissy Kiss I lot of us were shy when we signed up, I know I was. But you will find that people here are very friendly and helpful. Hope to chat with you in the chat room or hear from you if you want to PM me.
Hugs from Amanda
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, nice to meet you.
Thanks I love your artwork, how did you become so talented?
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