PG Hi everyone!
Just introducing myself.
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Finally decided to join and start posting. I love diapers, girly things, pink, and being a sissy :)

My gf indulges me a little bit. We definitely bought panties together and I very often wear them while we do *terrible* things to each other.

She enjoys the dominance aspect of it all though I find I am not a very good submissive.

Hope to have a lot more fun posting then just lurking.
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 Finally decided to join and start posting. I love diapers, girly things, pink, and being a sissy :)

My gf indulges me a little bit. We definitely bought panties together and I very often wear them while we do *terrible* things to each other.

She enjoys the dominance aspect of it all though I find I am not a very good submissive.

Hope to have a lot more fun posting then just lurking.  

Dear BunnyDuckLover:

Diapers, girly things, pink and being a sissy? Wow, this group and you were made for each other! Welcome aboard!

Best wishes to your GF and you to adjust to one another. I hope you'll enjoy being dressed together and blessed together.

Sitting here in front of my computer in a girl's bathing suit with my arms and legs Naired yesterday and enjoying the feminine thrill,

Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss and enjoy the site.
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