Hi! =D
Hey everyone I'm new here :)
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and a bit to being a sissy I'm 18 years old nd idk prob since I was 16 I just always felt like I should be in a dress or wearing some makeup... So ya it's great to b here and hopefully somebody could help me realy get going into my life of being a girl.  PinkBaby-Cheery:
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Baby Butch
Welcome, Sissy Kiss is the right place to be. Check out the Forums page for things to do and read.

 Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and a bit to being a sissy I'm 18 years old nd idk prob since I was 16 I just always felt like I should be in a dress or wearing some makeup... So ya it's great to b here and hopefully somebody could help me realy get going into my life of being a girl.  PinkBaby-Cheery:  

Your feelings are not unusual. I knew I had those feelings too, but when I was 18 there was no internet so I felt very much alone in feeling the way I did. Here, we can share our feelings. So please, don't be shy.

We have threads where we discuss matters such as how to "tuck", removing hair from your legs and so on. So, now that you have an account on Sissykiss, start exploring!


Sissy Jenni
Hi!!!  Welcome to Sissy Kiss!!  
So much to explore here, and plenty of sissys and others to chat with and ask questions!! 
Kimmie Toddler Girl
Hi Zachy!
Welcome to the site! I hope your journey takes you to a nice place where you find joy in being who you are. I myself now love who I am, though it was many years before I arrived in my happy place. Welcome!
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