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Ive been a lurker here off and on for a long time now. I just finally decided to post and participate. Im into petticoat punishment, Sissy Baby scenes. I dont really get into ageplay ie... actually pretending that I am female or a baby. I prefer the "forced" aspect.
My wife of 31 years knows and doesnt mind me dressing up, but she doesnt really understand or participate alot, although she doesnt mind me dressing up for sex.
I wear panties under my clothes anytime Im not at work, and I wear panties and nightgowns to bed 6 nights a week. On saturdays I usually put multiple disposible diapers (3 Attends 10, and 1 Bambino) with pink plastic panties over them on by 10am. I keep them on till I wake up sunday morning, "lots of Desitin is required". I also put up my crib which is made out of 2 real baby cribs converted to surround a normal twin bed.
I wet myself alot and go out of my way to drink a ton of coffee, tea, ect... to insure I will be soaked by morning. Tried messing once but it didnt do much for me, although I recently bought some plain instant oatmeal and plan to try that out as filler.

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Welcome sweetie x
Sissy Jenni
Hi & Welcome LeeGin!!!   
I truly think this is a wonderful site. I'm sure you'll enjoy it much!! 
I lurked for only a couple of weeks myself from around last Thanksgiving. I find diapers to be enjoyable too, mostly for wetting as well!! 
Sissy Jenni
Baby Butch
Sounds like an interesting life, I hope your wife gets more involved. The forced to do it aspect is always better, so embarrassing.
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Hope your wife gets involved, welcome to the forum.
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