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About me
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 Hi everybody. Here's a little story about me as to how I ended up being who I am. Hope you enjoy and don't be afraid to message me. 

I was raised by my single mother along with my slightly older sister. Money was always an issue for us and so from an early age I ended up wearing my sisters clothes more often than not and I had very little of my own clothes as my mother still had to pay the bills and try to keep clothes on our backs. 

I had started kindergarten as a girl as it was easier that way and that's where I got the name of Chloe which has stuck to this day.

When I was young I was medically told that I could have a problem potty training due to bladder issues, from this I have never been fully trained and because of this I have to wear diapers 24/7 as I can't be trusted in pants. 

Hope you enjoyed my introduction and if you want to know more feel free to message me and ask I'm an open book. 

Bye bye 
Chloe X
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Baby Butch
Thanks for sharing the interesting introduction about yourself. I hope hand me downs from the sister were enjoyed. That can happen when low on funds. Hello and welcome to Sissy Kiss, nice to meet you!
Baby Chloe Doll
@ Baby Butch
  fank you  baby butch. They were enjoyed greatly enjoyed.
Sissy Rainbow
hello everyone. Can somebody help me with uploading pictures?
Baby Butch
@ Sissy Rainbow
 Click on Your Stuff tab on the bottom of the screen.  Click on Your Images when the thing appears on the right. Drag and drop images into the dashed rectangle. I just add my images to my threads and they automatically show in the Uploader. Make a thread and click on the Camera. Fill that out and drag and drop your images into the dashed rectangle. Select as many as 20 and drag them all together. You can also use the button above that is blue and 5th from the left. Some instructions are in the Uploader.
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