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 wheres everybody at
*unowned allie*
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 You're not alone on that one. I am wondering the exact same thing. And no I am not just saying that. I updated the Star Wars Orgins Story with chapter 2 and so far, 0 comments about it.

Unless there is some kind of an annual holiday that takes place in Januray that I am not aware about. Then I have absolutely no idea where they all are. But it helps to bear in mind as Baby Butch has often reminded me, there are sometimes when people go quiet and not comment, for what ever reason.

He does not know why this happens, it just does. I'm hoping that tomrrow will be a better day, before I start to panic and end up removing the Star Wars Origins Story that so many said they wanted to see it and be interested in it. I went to a lot of effort not in the story, but that too, but more in terms of doing everything to ignore two condtions. Tinnitus and poor eyesight.

I need new glasses, the ones that I have are the wrong lense strength for me and have been for some time, but a lot things just simply got in the way of me from being able to go and and get an eye test to get new and better glases, obviously not from the same place I got my current ones from. I have to wear a pair of reading glasses that I bought, over my current reading glases which are also in a bad state, with scratches and smudges over the lenses that not come off.

The Reading glasses help a little to make things a bit more visible, but wearing these over my own glasses for any length of time causes not only eye strain, but also bad headaches. I only just barely managed to not let such matters prevent me from doing the story that I wanted to do and share it. But it wasn't without risk, of that I not joke about.

So, in short, I would be quite disappointed if no one comments in the next few days or so. At the end of the day people will either comment or not and sad to say there's not a lot can be done about those who do not comment on other peoples posts.
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