R Hey sweeties
My introduction
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Hey everyone, I'm a fairly young sissy who is completely intouch with both my babyish mind and my more mature yet rousingly female mind :p I LOVE makeup and bras and I can't wait to spend hours talking about such arousing things with kind and likeminded people,

Love you all -Huggiess from me to everyone-
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Hey sweetie! You sound just like me. I adore both being a baby girl and a school girl at certain times, and even a diapered school girl. I love girl talk so please don't be afraid to message me!
Baby Butch
  Welcome to Sissy Kiss,glad you could join us for all the fun things to do.  

 Hey everyone, I'm a fairly young sissy who is completely intouch with both my babyish mind and my more mature yet rousingly female mind :p I LOVE makeup and bras and I can't wait to spend hours talking about such arousing things with kind and likeminded people,

Love you all -Huggiess from me to everyone-

Hello Julie!  

I'm into wearing pantyhose its very sensuous especially right after I've dehaired my legs. Right now I'm wearing white panties. Sometimes when I first get up in the morning I put on a nappy (diaper) and get it nice and warm and wet. So like you, I have both a baby/toddler and an older girl side. I'd be delighted to rap with you about skirts and dresses and lingerie.

I hope you'll read us regularly and participate. You'll find like-minded people here!

Sweetness and luv,

Hello. I'm a sissy baby girl in diapers. Sometimes I like to try on big girl lingerie over my baby undies. Once by mistake I bought a pair of black lace panties that was way too big, but I found that they fit nicely over my diaper and plastic baby panties. So that worked out well. Bras are fun, too.

Welcome to the group.

- Sissy Desiree
- Sissy Desiree

That's awesome! Hey I was wondering do you guys have a 100 post count rule here or something? How do I create a new thread here on my own?  
Fem Prince C
Hewwo there and welcomes Juliette.
You can be -and a ton of folk are - different ages having an infant side, a middling child (maybe Little Girl) side and a mature side all in one body so please don't get hung up on that.
I'm not always around here but if you click on the link below you'll find out all about me.
The Boy Prince who became a Sissy Gurl Princess "Best read ever. Honest"
Fem Prince C

 That's awesome! Hey I was wondering do you guys have a 100 post count rule here or something? How do I create a new thread here on my own?    

You *should* be able to launch a fresh thread yourself as the only things subject to postcount restrictions are features such as the galleries. If you can't you need to contact Christie the moderator/siteowner.
Hope it helps.
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