R Help a young sissy start
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Any tips on how to accept me femmi side and start off as a sissy??
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You've got to ask yourself what floats your boat? Whatever it is, go for it! You've got one life to live so find someone to share it with. Don't worry about what other's think or say. Their opinion should be none of your business! Be comfortable in your own shaved, perfumed female persona. Smile and be happy no matter the circumstance. Happy diapering, stay pretty! As a 73 old life long sissy that remains happily married for 50 years, with children, I know what I know. People will only accept you if you accept yourself. Did I get beat up along the way? SURE! Don't let that stop you, BE BRAVE! LGBTQ rights have helped us tremendously. No longer youthful and shapely my wife chooses if & when I post pictures. In my mind, I'm still 21!
Baby Butch
If you want to be a sissybaby buy some diapers and frilly plastic panties. A cheap dress up would be panties and pantyhose. Pick out a dress you like too. A lot depends on your budget but enjoy what you love. Welcome to Sissy Kiss!
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