Help My Sissy Friend
PetBabyAmy has been upset, please help me cheer her up again.
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The reason that I am posting this is because something or someone has made Amy very, very upset. She is one of the nicest people that I know and it isn't fair for someone to have to deal with this. She suffers from emotional and mental problems, which makes things hard for her. She is not ready to talk about it either, which only makes things worse. You can help my sweet friend by posting words of comfort, compliments, compassion, and anything else that you can think of to help my sweet friend.

Amy, you are a darling, and we at SK all love you and want you to be happy. You have taught me so much, it pains me to know that you are upset. You are not just a person, not just a sissy, not just a baby. You are also my friend. We have had so much fun together. Amy, please read this and know, that no matter what, I will be by your side.

I wuv everyone no matter what.
I am happy to take any cutie that needs me :)

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Please don't be sad Amy, why don't you do what I do when I feel sad. I put on my favourite sissy dress and every thing else to match, put a blanket on the floor in the lounge, get my favourite dollies, put my favourite sissy DVD in the player and watch it while I redress my dollies in new out fits. This always cheers me up and it is fun too.
Big huggs
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