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I've decided to start exploring some of my sissy fantasies. I'll wiggle out of anything if I'm not "forced" so I'm starting with locking items. If I really enjoy as much as I hope, I'll branch out into other items.

I'm looking for the best deals on the following items.
CB-6000S: The lowest I can find is $149
locking penis gag: I've found an inflatable one for $49 but I'd prefer a non-inflatable
locking panties(preferably pink): I've found them for about$58 (X-LRG)

I've found about as cheap as I can get of the below, but just in case they can be combined with anything above for a better deal, I'm also going to get:
Dildo for sucking practice
Vibrating butt plug

   Thanks for any and all help!   

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Baby Butch
Hello, has locking rubber panties, so the baby can't remove them.
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