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There was this movie that played (on either disney or Fox [Now ABC] Family) every once in a blue moon. It was about these teens, whose parent made a ray gun. They're playing their favorite video game and they're all zzzzaped (ala honey I Shrunk The Kids) Inside this world full of talking anthro-dinosaurs dressed like Generation X-ers. Save that they call them something other than dinosaurs. I can never remember its title even though I watched it dozens of times throughout the 90's. If I could see a screenshot, I'd know right away--but every google turns up zilch.

Anybody have an idea on what the title is?? If you can name it, then I can see it--and maybe have a nice nostalgia trip.
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I remember seeing two things like this right about at the same time. One was a made for TV movie and the other was a theatre movie. Both I thought involved modified TV remotes, but I could be wrong. Both were so similar that I have them all mixxed up in my head but I at least think I know what you are talking about.
Thanks for thinking about it. It stinks that no one can remember the name.
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