My name's Aubrey. I live in Asheville NC, and I just got my BA in creative writing and modern literature from UNCA. I've been lurking in the forums for several months now, and decided to finally make my debut. I've been a quiet (almost silent) member of the online TG\Forced Fem community for several years, and this will be the first forum that I've attempted to be a part of. I don't really consider myself AB\DL, but a little bit of regression and diaper play seems like it would be fun, and I'd love to try it if i could find the right mommy or daddy.
And as soon as I figure out how, i'm going to post a piccie of me in the "Caption Me" thread for everyone to take a stab at. Huggs and kisses to all, and I look forward to all the friends i hope to soon be making.