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Hi everyone! My name is Callie, I live in England and I am a complete closet sissy! My feminine background is very clich, I lacked a father figure and I am quite an introvert, which means that I quickly took on a lot of responsibility as a child and grew up much too quickly :(

But I'd do anything to regain my innocence and na¯vety, and have always had a girly streak: as a little boy I would wear makeup all the time, I would steal my mother's and even her friend's makeup!! I would find girly panties and wear them some days, and even now still do!!

But I'd like to say that I have absolutely no experience with actually being a sissy or whatever that might be, all I know is how to be myself-- but if anyone is interested in some light training, or even just talking to me and filling me in on different things then that would be great! I love talking to new people!!

Hugs and kisses from me!! oxoxo
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