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Hi I am baby Bev who has being in diapers since last June as a punishment but soon I became comfortable with Mommy and my younger sisters treating me as a baby. I guess the special attention Mommy gives me is something I always longed for and never could express to Mommy. I am still adjusting to being treated as a 12 to 18 month old baby once again. Mommy loves the fact that she has a baby in the house again as do my younger sisters Nancy 17 and Carla 14. Both now help take care of me feeding, bathing, changing and dressing me.

Mommy has also had a number of big baby outfits made for me by her sister my aunt and I am being dressed in them all the time while at home. Well time for my bottle and nap. I hope to make friends with other baby girls who live as a baby or are exploring it
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Baby Butch
Sounds like you have a good thing going. Welcome to Sissy Kiss.
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