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Hello Girls,
It has taken me awhile to work out how to write anything, So pleeze forgive me, Knowing me it is proberly in the wrong place as well . I have made a small start to being the propper liddle girl I am, and shaved off all of this man hair. Bought some panties from the supermarket and gosh... that was so embarrising and had a big Icecream with lots of sprinkles afterwards to celebrate.

I have bought the right size, but I find that after jumping up and down on the sofa my man bits tend to flop out so any ideas other than a chainsaw? I am now going to save up my pocket money and get a pwitty dress with lots of ribbons.

This so takes be back to when I was little, the boarding school where I was at was going on a camping trip to wales. I was already having to whear girl panties and white socks, which none of the other boys seem to notice, but just before we set off, the buckle on my sandle broke, and so I was givern a pair of red sandles to wear. I tried to say no but the bus was about to leave. and so for a whole week I walked around wales in white socks and red sandles, not daring to get undressed incase someone saw I was whearing knickers as well. the boys did giggle at my sandles though. Gosh writing that It sounds something strieght out of a book   

love laura XXXXXX
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Cushie Chloe
You are never lost here sweetie. I will always be there for you if you need me. Kind of like a guardian angel i guess.

 Hello Girls,
It has taken me awhile to work out how to write anything, So pleeze forgive me, Knowing me it is proberly in the wrong place as well . I have made a small start to being the propper liddle girl I am, and shaved off all of this man hair. Bought some panties from the supermarket and gosh... that was so embarrising and had a big Icecream with lots of sprinkles afterwards to celebrate.



love laura XXXXXX  

Hello Laura


It really is a beautiful experience, when you finally overcome your inhibitions and shave off your leg and body hair, and buy new panties to put on.

Dealing with anatomical reality is something all us girls here in Sissykiss (except those who are GG) have to face. If you figure out a way to hold boy-bits in place, let us know!

If you like the Little Girl idea, you might want to check out Girltalk (forum. girltalk. to). I've been there for almost 10 years, and like it.

So, welcome aboard. Whhhoooppps ..... my nappy is wet and I need to change **giggle** ..... Seeya around!

Curtsies and luv,

Welcome from Sissy JJ! 
Baby Butch
Welcome to the site from Baby Butch.

Hiya Laura! You're gonna have a sweet time here, hun.
Lost Laura
Oh thank you! It feel so great coming here. Life will Never be the same again, ever, ever ever. I just want to give everyone big hugs and kisses.
I could give you a big kiss. It Is possibly the most scareyest thing I have done in my life. So no one can say to me that sissys are not brave. I am buying a dress:


Do I need an underskirt, any suggestions girls. I have been to the supermarket and bought some white ankle socks. I will look out for a nice dolly/teddybear.

It may take a while before I go out, all dressed up, but I am doing little things, I have some pwitty pink nail varnish on. I now have to learn not to bite my nails. I also wear little panties all of the time now....Hehehe It would be funny If I ever had to be taken to hospital, They would have to think whether to take me to the ladies or gents ward! got to go, this little girl has go to have a drink or she starts to get stroppy.
Welcome! To hide your man parts you can push them up into your body. It'll feel weird at first but it'll work. Then push your penis under and use a gaff and tight panties. It'll keep everything up. Good luck.
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