PG Heels and hose and a femme bathing suit
What I'm wearing now
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Last night for the first time in three weeks I thoroughly dehaired my whole body with Nair (except for the hair on the top of my head). This morning I went to my real world job wearing pantyhose and ruffled pink panties under my work clothes.
Right now I'm wearing pantyhose, black high heels, and a green patterned woman's bathing suit. Only thing wrong is, if you're going to wear pantyhose with a bathing suit the p.h. should have a sheer panty which doesn't show.
But just the same I feel so delightfully sissy with hair free arms and legs and my legs outlined in hose. And the thought of being marched through a shopping mall with those black high heels, is a fantasy to swoon for!
Sissy sweetness and delights for all,

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Baby Butch
Post a Pic, he he! I would like to see this sissy image you are describing.

My legs are hairy but I have been wearing panties and pantyhose lately.

I'm planning on going out en femme to a shopping center this Saturday, so if I have time I'll take a few piccies of myself, using my camera's timer. There's a lot of work and preparation in taking pictures of myself, since I don't have anybody to help me. And further, I need for my SO to be away as she won't approve of me taking pics of myself en femme if she's around.
Your legs are hairy? C'mon girl, ya gotta get rid of that hair!
Yours for the joys of sissiness,
Baby Butch
Have fun at the Mall, he he. I remember those photo booths where you step in, close the curtain, and deposit money. Then a series of photos comes out of the machine.

Stay wet and happy in a nappy!

Last Saturday I did it.
It had been a long time since I went anywhere en femme. Finally the opportunity came for me to do it again. Last Saturday morning I dehaired my arms and legs, put on nail polish, makeup, and nude pantyhose, and then dressed up in a pink pleated drawstring skirt and almost-matching T-shirt and white open toe high heels. I then drove to a shopping mall 9 miles from where I live, and walked around looking at sales on womens' shoes in Carson's and other goings-on. It was unfortunately chilly (temperatures no higher than mid-50's), so what I was wearing wasn't really appropriate for the prevailing conditions.
On the negative side, a jerk or two pointed cell phone cameras at me. On the positive side, the salesladies at women's clothing departments at Carson's and other stores, were as friendly towards me as they would be towards any other potential customer. It was rather fun, having lunch at the food court and spending time walking around.
Since I was wearing high heels, I couldn't move as comfortably as when wearing the shoes I normally wear.
Speaking of shoes: All the shoes on sale at Carson's were too small for me. The largest size one could easily find, was Size 9 or so. One wishes they had sizes up to 12W if not 13, for those who weren't born with a female body but have girl feelings.
On a crossdressing website I came across just the past day or so, there was an article about how to use public ladies rooms when en femme. Fortunately for me, I thought of such things before beginning my drive to the mall.
I took a bunch of pictures of myself, wearing the above skirt and pink tee shirt, and also took pictures of myself in a black bathing suit and pantyhose. Its been three years since I put up pictures on Sissykiss, so I need a refresher on what the procedues are.
Hope y'all will put on your best spring dresses now that its getting warmer,
Baby Butch
The entire dress up and shopping trip sounds like a lot of fun. I bet it was easier that your first time in public as a girl. The outfit sounds nice and I can hardy wait for your pictures.

@ Baby Butch

 Like I said above, I need a refresher on the procedures for posting pictures, as the site has been changed since I last did so. I'll be glad to share piccies with everybody here on Sissykiss, once I get it all figured out.
Keep it Sissy,
I love being hairless from the eyebrows down. I went years not shaving or shaving  everything but my arms. I'm a very harry sissy and I must say the feeling of shaving and feeling girl smooth is amazing!!  I was always concerned that someone would notice when I shaved before, but not that I have my arms shaved to it all looks the same and I can feel as fem as possible.  And my pretty panties look and feel soo much sweeter
congrats on the outing.
i personally find shaving to be a massive chore since i don't have all that much money to drop on nair or much of anything else tbh...
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