It's been awhile since I've been on here but nice to be back.
I'm really happy this week cuz I was finally able to get some diapers (kinda, they're goodnites but still) and it's really good fun. I've been wearing them almost non stop since I got them and I've definitely wet them a few times :). It's exciting but i feel like I shouldn't go to far with it cuz I've got real world grown-up stuff that needs doing and I don't really want this to become a problem too quick lol.
But anyway I'm a trans girl and secretly love being a little girl wearing diapers and pull ups and cute dresses and fun stuff :D
Big girl stuff is really nice too cuz it feels so right for me but having "little time" is fun too.
That's about all for me tho. Love you girls (and guys :P). I'll stop by every now and then to catch up on the fun here :D