PG Greetings from DocSissy
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Hi, everyone, I'm DocSissy! I'm from Georgia and am currently in college. I've got a white dog, and some of my interests (besides sissy things) are writing, drawing, photography, and electronics.

Since discovering this site last year, I've considered myself a sissy since it is overall the best definition of what I am. But my interests date long before then. I realized I liked lace panties as far back as 1998, and a few years later, I became interested in diapers (GoodNites) and ballet (pancake) tutus. I realized I wasn't "alone" in mid 2005 when I did some research on the internet. And a few years ago, I started wearing other girls' clothing, like pants, blouses, cheerleader uniforms, etc. Overall, I prefer dressing up as an occasional hobby, rather than a lifestyle. I also have a friend who lives nearby that likes crossdressing.

Anyway, not sure what else to say here, other than I really like this site and am glad to join :)
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Baby Butch
It is good that you decided to join us her at Sissy Kiss. I am more of an adult baby than a cross dresser, but I do that too occasionally. I joined the site after 6 months of browsing and have loved it ever since.
 welcome DocSissy i think you'll like it here 
 Princess are kind, brave, beautiful and determined they can do or be anything 
even change the world.  

 All girls are princess what you see in the Mirrors doesn't define you.
It doesn’t meter if you weren't born a girl. As long as your one at heart you too
are a princess 

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