PG 13 goodnites
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Hello girls i was wondering about the brand of pullups goodnites? i have a friend who wears them all the time and loves them but i wanted more then just there thoughts! do any of you wear them? like them? hate them? do they fit well with the sissy clit?
thank you for the help?

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I love Goodnites. They fit comfortably and hold a decent size of pee. I've had a few small leaks here and there when I flood my Goodnites. Basically, a few drops of pee run down my leg. Of course they fit in the sissy clique-- as long as you buy the cute little girl ones, not the bad boy ones.
Well, to be honest, I don't like them much for myself. Only because I find that when I wear them, they don't come up high enough in the back and a bit of my butt crack sticks out.

Gosh that sounded crass....

At any rate - I am NOT that big of a person, so I have always just chalked that one up to "not my size". After all, there are plenty of adult size diapers and pull-ups out there, and I gots markers an' stickers if I wanna fancy 'em up. I even sell decorated disposables like Disney Princesses, My Little Pony, and Hello Kitty on Ebay!


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