Going twinkle standing up
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Its just so...messy! I've been going tinkle with my tiny pee-pee sitting down for the past few weeks, but while in a rush I only had time to go standing up and I realised how messy and silly it is. Why did I ever tinkle like that? Its just spraying it into a bowl. Girls so had the right way to go. Sit down and take your time, don't be stupid about it.

Anyone else's thoughts on the proper way of weeing?
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I always sit down. Its more practical, really. And, it feels a lot more feminine.

Sweetness and luv,

Baby Butch
Sometimes if I pee standing up a little spray ends up on my legs and toilet seat. Sitting is the best way to "go" and quieter at night if you have quests.

If you are wearing good diapers, they are expensive. So I must stand when wearing them and just pull them down a little and flip it out over the top.

Then I can pull them back up with the rubber pants and wear them longer, till I eventually just wet the diaper.
Baby Butch
Sometimes if I pee standing up a little spray ends up on my legs and toilet seat. Sitting is the best way to "go" and quieter at night if you have quests.

If you are wearing good diapers, they are expensive. So I must stand when wearing them and just pull them down a little and flip it out over the top.

Then I can pull them back up with the rubber pants and wear them longer, till I eventually just wet the diaper.
the best way is laying down in ur diaper, duh silly. thats really the only way
a new me teehee
Ohh I agree Jessybaby, laying down in a diaper to pee is the best! I have never tried to sit to pee when only peeing, I will try it though, as I am sometimes a messy pee peeer when standing! Ill update soon to let you know how it goes.
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