when going fem in public do you fell like all eyes are on you
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on the one occasion I cross Dressed publicly, I felt that the entire city of ny was staring at me, do any of you feel that way, or is it just me? I mean, In NYC, you would think no one would give you a second look, but they seem to stare,  
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Thats very normal sweety! I was wearing pink BOXERS and I thought people were staring, so yeah dont worry about it. Think about it like this;

When your walking down the street and you see a woman, do you STARE at her? No. You just walk past, maybe noticing their taste in shoes or whatever. Just relax and be yourself.
It is hard to tell if people are staring at you unless you stare back.

When I triple diapered myself and went into the store I thought for sure people could tell I as waddling and I had a huge bulge under my pants, but I had no idea if people were watching me or just looking at me because im a person.

I think it is rather exciting to be found out, but if you do not like it I would be a little more discreet on the extensiveness of the clothing and dress attire.
I have worn diapers publicly before, including really noisy attends, and I dont think I got nearly as many looks as I did on that A-train ride. maybe I was just nervous as it was my first time, and should do it again and see if it is any different. or warm up to it by wearing only a few article of fem clothing.
Usually I am afraid my bra might show. A few times I get afraid my pantyhoses might show since something you can see them when I walk since my jeans barely reach the top of my shoes when standing still. But mainly bras since you are looking at a person.

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