Going back into the shadows
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For a longtime I have always wanted to express my feminine side and when I joined this community you have all been giving me the confidence to do this so why can't all people just accept that , I have always been dressing as Louise when at home and have lately felt more self assured and self confident as Louise. The woman who lives above me knows that I become Louise at home and when I told her I was more happy as Louise she suggested maybe I should go out dressed as a woman. So on Friday I can home from work and spent about three hours making myself gorgeous Kim the lady who lives above me came down and did all my make up hair and nails I dressed in something classy I did not want to look like a cheap tart and some nice heels we went to a park outside of our local area to walk her dog it felt really good being outside.

Then the problems start with lots of people be very rude and insulting I'm not going write what was said to me but it was very upsetting I guess you can use your imagination and work out what was shouted at me I just don't understand why some people just can't leave others alone just because I like to live my life and dress differently I am now thinking this was a big mistake and just want hide away like before.

Sorry to moan but just needed to I hope you all understand one day maybe people will have more understanding

Ok moan over off to do some serious thinking
Sissy Louise
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I hate that they said such things to you but you have way more confidence than me and if anything I wish I could be more like you.
Let me start out by saying you did such a brave thing. It's been such a dream of mine to do just what you did but I have never had the nerve or support to try. So on that, congrats.

Unfortunately even today people like us are still shunned and jeered at because of so many reasons. It could be out of fear, bad understanding of religion, plain hatred, or any other number of reasons. Humans as a race enjoy predictable things that don't change and we are the epitome of the opposite of that.

My dear sister, I wish I could be with you and hug you until your feelings wouldn't hurt anymore from these people's words, but keep in mind that they are just words.

While the emotions behind the words are very real for that individual, what they yell at you isn't true of you. I don't know where you live or what the social acceptance is of the town you live in, but if it is anything like where I live, it's probably safer for you to be Louise in your home or with your neighbor. I don't say this to tell you to hide, I so wish for all of us to be out and open with who we are in the world. I just don't want you to be harmed in anyway by ignorant fools.

Hopefully, our world will catch up with society and we all can be free to live as we like without oppression; Until then we must be who we are in private, at least in some areas of the country.

I truly wish I could be more upbeat sister. Know that we are here and support you. Friends are the best thing to have and you will always have friends here.

With love and warm hugs for you,
Sissy Louise
Thank you girls for all your support its nice to know that some people care its very much appreciated makes me feel very happy

Love you all
It's tough out there. There are a number of safe and friendly places to live but so many of us just don't live in or near them. You can just imagine the attitude of central Florida so I have to go out of my way to hide it from neighbors, friends, and anyone that may run in to me at work. Basically, everyone but my wife.

Maybe you still have a neighbor that you can talk to. You might be able to take advantage of this and even though you may not be accepted completely out in public, it always helps to widen your horizons where ever safely possible. And even if this neighbor doesn't want to have any kind of relationship, it may still help to keep the communication open just for occasional tips or some help.

It's all comes down to this big balancing act. And it's really not fair. We all keep hoping that someday it will change but I'm afraid that day may be a long time coming. As was already said, we are the exact opposite of what so many find acceptable and that is not going to change easily. So unfair as it is, all we can do is NEVER GIVE UP!
Please don't make me wet my panties
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