Giving it all up
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Right girlies its been fun but after 15 years of enjoying panties and nappies I have to give it all up for my own sanity. I have made a few great online friends through this and see the world in a completely different light to how I would of seen it without but my time has come to have my final purge.

There are many reasons but the main one is I have a chance with the most amazing girl who is heavily linked with both my friends and family. I would never be able to express a sissy side in fear of everyone finding out so its best to pack it in now.

It will be 6 months before she moves and I have a chance with her so I am giving myself some time to adjust.

I am not gay I know that and when the hormones are flowing I find myself more and more tempted to act on my sissy side with a fellow sissy. I knwo once I have 'blown my load' I would be full of regret so I am quitting while I am 'ahead'

The other problem is that I fail to perform sexually with women and some of this I contribute to indulging in diaper and shemale porn. I spend hours slowly masterbating looking for more and more material. I am so used to my own hand that intercourse doesn't have enough sensation for me. I am laying off the self love in the hope I can get back on track.

To be honest writing this is helping as its the first time I have seen it written down and not boucning round my head. Some of you might think its complelty wrong, but, to me at least, it makes sense.

Any messages of support would be great and any tips on how to leave the sissy world behind would be gratefully appreciated.

thanks all and keep smiling!

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Princess Frances
Hi Babe

when you gotta go, you gotta go. If you've got a chance to be happy with someone you've gotta take it. I'm sure if she's the right person all your other problems will be easy to overcome.

I'm really happy for you. Chances like this don't come around too often s seize the moment while you can.

To be honest I dip in and out of our thing and I don't miss it when it's not there. It will be a lifestyle change but it sounds like you're ready for it and are doing it for the right reasons.

I'm sure you'll be just fine.


It sounds as if you have reflected upon things and you are being honest with yourself.

If your sissy side is something that has been draining you of energy and directing you away from fully embracing life (as opposed to something that energizes you and leads you into life more completely) then I think you are doing the wise thing.

I wish you the best with that young lady :)



It sounds as if you ahve reflected upon things and you are being honest with yourself.

If your sissy side is something that has been draining you of energy and directing you away from fully embracing life (as opposed to something that energizes you and leads you into life more completely) then I think you are doing the wise thing.

I wish you the best with that young lady :)


I couldn't have said it much better myself. I would find a way to keep your sissy things though in a few plastic totes somewhere, because you never know where your life might go and you won't want to have to re-gather impossible to replace items for the rest of your life.
I hope you have nothing but joy and happiness in your life hun. I agree with the other girls though about finding a safe place to store your things. Some things are impossible to replace as oopsiepanty said and i know many a girl who's regretted tossing a one of a kind treasure.

lynnie :)

 I hope you have nothing but joy and happiness in your life hun. I agree with the other girls though about finding a safe place to store your things. Some things are impossible to replace as oopsiepanty said and i know many a girl who's regretted tossing a one of a kind treasure.

lynnie :)  

If you are extreemly, super, paranoid about her finding your treasures kept, hopefully you know a friend who you could give an outfit or something to, to hold on to your stuff in safe keeping so that your gf has no chance in heck of finding it. Otherwise a few opaque totes should be fine, as long as they are burried behind some stuff. If she is that snoopy, you have serious trust issues and she might not be the kind of person you would want to be with.
((((Hug)))) I agree you gotta do what you gotta do..Fantasy is one thing real life is quite another. However if your wonderful girl loves you you might find she'll accept this little part of you, I truely hope she does and embraces it, however I know how hard and difficult it is to admit to a loved one that you enjoy being a sissy, sometimes, though, you can introduce just a little bit into the relationship, like wearing eachothers underwear, its just your and hers naughty little secret and it can lead to more things, I do so hope she's openminded with you. My only worry for you is you supress it too much and begin to resent her for it. Good luck n lots of luv..x
Speaking from experience what I think you'll find is that if you can really trust her. Tell her. Then basically all you have to do is pair back your activities. You don't have to give everything up. If she really loves you she'll accept every part of who you are.
if this makes you happy, then i am happy for you and wish you all the best.

however, you say the main reason you are putting away your sissy things is out of fear, because this girl knows your family and friends. fear does not seem the best reason for doing anything? also if this girl is amazing and loves, or even just likes you, she won't be sharing the intimate details of your relationship no matter how bland or unusual.
as i said, if this makes you happy then all the best. but you might want to wait to see how the chance turns out before abandoning a big part of your life, or even look for an amazing girl who you can share every part of yourself with, without fear?
I understand and fully sympathise with what you are saying, much of which resonates with me deeply. I would advise against considering this a "purge", however. Think of your time here as more of an evolution, and take from it whatever has been helpful and interesting while leaving behind whatever you feel has been preventing you from developing any further as a person. I myself am, in practical terms, very little of a sissy: I haven't dressed up in ages, except for tights (and that is more to do with winter than transvestism ...), and I have absolutely no aspirations to transition: an act which would have serious effects on both my professional and personal existence (being a male model and engaged ...). However, I am definitely no alpha-male, and enjoy still coming here if only to acknowledge and even celebrate that fact. The important thing is that we are true to ourselves, and you certainly sound as if you have thought all that through. To "purge", however, suggests a degree of self-coercion, which I would be cautious with.
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