All XXX Is This A Gay Website?
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It's not totally clear to me how it's intended. I don't want people to misunderstand me for surfing here.
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These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
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 It's not totally clear to me how it's intended. I don't want people to misunderstand me for surfing here.  

not exactly. this is an all inclusive website. here, no one really cares if your gay or not.

that said, i wouldnt be scared to say that probly 60% or more of the people here are straight.

this is really just a site for sissies, ABs, and other such people to meet and chat.
This is a site for those who love the feminine side of life. We welcome everyone, there are girly girls, crossdressers, transgenders/transexuals, gays, and whomever would like to join us. I myself am a genetic male, I am attracted to women, but consider myself to be borderline transgender. You could consider this a gay website; but (correct me if I'm wrong) I consider it part of the AB/DL/BDSM area. In my opinion, it's kind of a fetish-ish site, similar to Daily Diapers, but with more emphasis on the sissy area. If anything, I think we're a sissy site, feminine is the theme, everything else is just icing on the cake.
Stay wet (I'm into the diaper scene)
-Sissy Kimi
"I sort of felt like a sissy."
Southern Belle-Poopy Princess

 It's not totally clear to me how it's intended. I don't want people to misunderstand me for surfing here.  

I'm pretty new here but I can easily answer your question: NO!

(Please correct me I'm wrong...) ...this site is for people who have a sissy side to them, be they male or female, straight or gay or confused about the issue--and for those who like sissies and want to meet 'em. For me it's a place to experiment with my inner femme after years of denial.

Oh, and you apparently can't type **** here for some reason (the building construction material that comes from trees).
This is a very happy website.

 It's not totally clear to me how it's intended. I don't want people to misunderstand me for surfing here.  

People from here won't misunderstand you. Vanilla people that see this site are going to seriously misunderstand you most likely.
To wet or not to wet “ that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The leaks and rashes of outrageous wettings,
Or to use Desitin against a rash of troubles
And, by changing, end them.
Straight guy reporting in.

My interest is in the girly girls, which a lot of our content covers. Though I do sometimes find the sissified boy fantasies hawt, due to the extreme babification/humiliation/feminisation elements.
No. Websites do not have a sexual preference.

Now, if you mean is the subject homosexuality, again the answer is no. I do see some threads I would most definitely define as having a topic related to that, and I skip over them myself. That's why I am grateful to those who clearly label their threads. I really don't like to stumble into a thread and then have to go "Ewwwww....." That really applie to homo and hetero sex threads.

I'm LG. My "Big" is a straight male; however, I am 6 and not interested in sex. Besides, boys have cooties.


Fem Prince C
This site and it's members don't care but do respect whatever sexuality you may happen to be or even if you aren't remotely sexual. It's all about how you feel so if the thread fits you're welcome to post!
I'm strictly LG and also appreciate grading threads to avoid stuff that's not appropriate for where I'm at.
to most people looking in yeah it probably is, just like anyone hearing about infantillism assumes that they are all pedophiles and child molesters. but as we all know that is a complete fabrication. many people are swayed to easily by what the media and society says is normal, unfortunately there is only a miniscule minority that actually formulates opinions on their own.

is this a gay site, some parts yes other parts no. its mainly revolves around how you use this site that determines it.
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