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GamerGirlAlice introduces herself
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i am a hermaphrodite female. i used to be a baby but lost my daddy in april 2011. ther is a adult baby i know that wants me as her mommy but i dont think id be a very good mommy. had alot hurt in my life and really just dont know who i am anymore. all i do know is im a loving and caring person that treats everyone with respect. you are all welcome to say hi to me and talk to if you like.

PS: i am pretty sure i joined here before but after almost a year of depression i lost my info. also i chose this name since i really don't know if i am a mommy or baby, this is my ps network gaming name.
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 i am a hermaphrodite female. i used to be a baby but lost my daddy in april 2011. ther is a adult baby i know that wants me as her mommy but i dont think id be a very good mommy. had alot hurt in my life and really just dont know who i am anymore. all i do know is im a loving and caring person that treats everyone with respect. you are all welcome to say hi to me and talk to if you like.

PS: i am pretty sure i joined here before but after almost a year of depression i lost my info. also i chose this name since i really don't know if i am a mommy or baby, this is my ps network gaming name.  

Hello Gamer GIrl:

Welcome back to SIssyKiss. Sorry to hear about losing your dad. Hopefully you'll find us to be a sympathetic community.

Curtsies and love in the best Little Girl tradition,

Gwen Stacey
nice to meet ya and welcome back to sk hun
Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, you have a really nice Avatar, enjoy the site.
ty for the thoughtful and warm welcome.
hope you have lots of fun here had fun talking to you love the yuna picture
I also like your avatar a lot. I'm sorry that you lost your daddy and that you've suffered so much. If there's anything we can do to help you recover from your depression, please let us know. It sounds as if you're the sort of person who could be a really good mommy if she wanted to. But it's up to you, of course, to decide who you want to be.

Welcome (back) to the group.

- Sissy Desiree
- Sissy Desiree

Hi Alice, I'm so sorry for your loss. if you want to Pm me feel free to do that, i'm not very good with words and and don't ever know what I should say, but my ears work and and I will listen.
I think you will be a wonderful Mommy if you wish to. some little one will be lucky to have you.
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