Anyone know about Furries?
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I just took one of the quizzes in the Activity forums and it was asking me about being a Furry and got me curious so I googled it. I had no idea about Furries. I had seen furry type anime and someone posted one time about furries but I just thought it was another name for the gay sub group Bears. Im kinda wondering if I might be a furry at heart . I have always loved furry cute animals/creatures(pokemon ftw), fascination with team mascots, cosplay, and things like that. Ill have to look into it more but if anyone is into it and knows the basics behind it I would love to learn more.
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i dated a furry for a while/know a few. what in particular are you curious about? ill do my best to answer and if i cant ill just go call them.
lol I dont even really know why Im curious about them. I guess Im just kinda curious what they do or how you become one? After initially posting this topic I started thinking about Trigger Happy TV if anyone remembers that. I just love comedy involving people in costumes and think it would be interesting to meet people that dress up and go out and do something dressed up in public and see people's expressions.
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