PG A full confession
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Hello! My name is Sissy Kaitie (Katie for short if you like.) I'm a little girl who is finally coming forward to join sissykiss! Let me tell you a little about myself...

A full confession, I've been 'lurking' for quite some time (well over a year) and accept any punishment for not joining sooner. I do my best to be as sissy as possible, but with low funds, find myself simply in diapers as often as possible. I am a bedwetter, a sissy girl, and hopefully soon an active member of my favorite sissy site! I try to wear diapers as much as I can, but with a real life it can be very difficult. I'm hoping that a little quality time with my fellow sissygirls and mommies will make me (force me) wear diapers far more often. I look forward to meeting you all!


P.S. If anyone reads this and is good at making cute avatars/signatures, please send me a PM, if it's not to incontinent- I mean inconvenient! My mind is somewhere else right now ;)
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Baby Butch

Welcome to Sissy Kiss from a baby who likes to wear diapers.
Unfortunately my funds are low and I can't buy all the stuff i want to.
Nice of you to join us here at Sissy Kiss!



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