PG 13 my frustrated mommy attempt
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so I as a baby girl recently lost her "Mommy"

We were happy, we chatted, we planned...then we got to the point of actuality....the real truth between both of us....once I Paid her....for the "baby set up(crib, dresses , diapers and baby life)the bitch was out..... she stopped messaging me....she came up with random excuses...of y she was avoiding me....and then admitted to me (even though I'm across a map, no where around her physically ,and we only traded words and I paid a lot of money....get this....she now fears for her life.....I'm like really? u took my money....I got nothing nothing!!!! in return.....and she fears for her life?....she's in California...I'm in Connecticut....I understand the fear of internet meetings...really I do but for a woman to entice me and then stay away from me....that's messed up...anyone have opinions on a bad mommy mommy is a scam artist by far...
Keli1980 is a baby girl to the right girl
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 I truly feel for the pain you realize. There will always be those who try to blackmail or scam us for being different. When you are confident and truly accept yourself others can accept you too. Leaving my diapers, plastic panties, dresses & shoes around for all to see, my wife "outs" me every day. People accept me because I accept myself. I hope all my sissy sisters experience this harmless admission of sheer joy. Hang on to your money, you're loved here! 
thank you for being understanding  
Keli1980 is a baby girl to the right girl
 I've been there! Ridiculed, Humiliated, Run-Out-Of-Town! They stop making fun when you show them confidence in joy that "Our Hobby" is so wonderfully stimulating and soul satisfying! Be brave, be diapered, be sissy!
Keli1980 is a baby girl to the right girl
@ keli1980
  WONDERFUL! We wear our diapers plastic panties, dresses & high heels without shame! I found my wife with TRUTHFUL admissions of all that makes me tick. You can do the same!
Baby Puss
I wish I had some practical advice, to fix your pain and make it right, or have it go away. We all have hard lessons, we live and learn from. That's the easy part, getting past it, is the rough part. It is a good thing, there is a place like this though. I offer a virtual tissue (pink tissue) to you...   
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