PG A follow ~up on TyresusRex
Our Ty is returning to us shortly
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I have received a follow up message from Ty's brother Chris ... Apparently, Ty had a minor heart attack and his diabetes was out of control for a bit.

He is currently recovering rapidly from both ailments and is due to be released from the Hospital within the next few days. He and his family wish to thank all for their prayers and support during this time of need.

Baby expects we should have a new and improved Ty back very shortly from what his brother has told me.    

The best thing about my life is being Lisa's Pet Babydoll

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Thank you for the news. I'm sorry to hear that Ty has had such a bad time, and I'm glad he's getting better.
Well, I'm not sure about "new and improved." But I am back. Thanks to Miki, Baby Butch and Sissy D for the kind words and prayers. It meant a lot.

It was a scary experience. And yes, we had a proto-"near death" experience too, last Monday night. I may write about it later.

Viruses are nasty beasts. What started out as a simple "norovirus" (acquired about two weeks ago) lead to heart and diabetes complications and dehydration.

Fortunately, I have family nearby...and a great team of docs at the local hospital in Rockville, MD.

I beg everyone's patience, though. I am still pretty weak. Writing online is actually exhausting...and I just fee raw.

I am also alarmed to see that in my absence, more folks are thinking about leaving SK. (jokingly): Was it something I said?

I'll be back. Promise. Just need time to heal.
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