PG Finding the black tutu - Part 1
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Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
Finding the black tutu - Part 1, platter,tutu,black,white,ballet,outdoor,crossdresser,lake, Body Suits,Sissy Fashion,Fairytale
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Hello everybody
This is the first photos of my third season of picture.
I'm not starting with the first photos I took, but with a special issue to introduce you my (wonderful) black tutu.
This set is also a bit special because I made it during my holiday, on a camping site placed near a lake. I shot the photos in the middle of the afternoon. So it mean than anybody was able to see me. But seem than no one have noticed I was standing here with my tutus   
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Baby Puss
Very serene, and so full of color. And the only un natural sound, the rustling of a stiff tu tu.  
@ Baby Puss
  Even if I was in a place where someone can see me, I must admit it was really serene to do this set too  
A really beautiful and peaceful setting and lovely photo's      
@ sissybabysamantha2
  Thank you, happy to read you like it  
Baby Butch
Tutu terrific! After some searching I see you found the black tutu. I always enjoy the scenic pictures. : )
@ Baby Butch
  Thank you  
Yes, I finally found it  
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