PG 13 We're can I find a playdate/sleep over
I'm looking for some fun
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i remember when my sister's had sulmber parnty and they sound like fun but since I was a boy I never got to go  and play. but  know i welly want to go to a sissy or sissybaby slumber party/playdate. ive been reading all about how some of my fellow sk member have been goiing on play date and sleepover, and i really do it to but I can't really trow. one since I liveing with my sister but I would love to go to one

So if anyone liveing  near the Illinois or Indiana area hears of one tell a sissy ps if you could spear some clothes  that be great though  I am on the chubby side
 Princess are kind, brave, beautiful and determined they can do or be anything 
even change the world.  

 All girls are princess what you see in the Mirrors doesn't define you.
It doesn’t meter if you weren't born a girl. As long as your one at heart you too
are a princess 

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Wish I lived in the area so I could ivite you over. But i'm all the way up here in Canada.
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