Favorite Movie
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So last night in between freaking out i notice that my third favorite hacker related movie was on tv, conviently named hackers. I started watching it again and started to notice a few subtle sissy scenes. This got me thinking that maybe the reason i had the movie so high on my list was because of those scenes rather than the movie, cause i mean the plot isnt that great and theres no real hacking to speak off haha.

The reason I mention this is because i'm curious now about what movie u all find to be the best in a genre or just ur favorite in general. Sissy/non sissy related, doesnt matter just trying to keep my mind distracted atm.

Also feel free to name more than 1!

Oh and if ur wondering, the 2 movies above hackers are 1 - tron and 2 - takedown [somewhat biast here since my friends and I watched it irl within a reasonable time after it bring released when it was damn near impossible to find anywhere]

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OOOh I love Tron, it's an awesome movie (and I'm dying for the sequel, I saw some shorts of it at the cinema), but definately not my favorite. No, my favorite would either have to be Diehard:with a vengance-I just have never been able to get over the riddles and puzzles, especialy the 5 galon/ 3 galon jug one- or 10 things I hate about you- All the characters are so cute and they've adapted shakespear's Taming of the Shrew really well in my opinion.

 OOOh I love Tron, it's an awesome movie (and I'm dying for the sequel, I saw some shorts of it at the cinema), but definately not my favorite. No, my favorite would either have to be Diehard:with a vengance-I just have never been able to get over the riddles and puzzles, especialy the 5 galon/ 3 galon jug one- or 10 things I hate about you- All the characters are so cute and they've adapted shakespear's Taming of the Shrew really well in my opinion.  

ugh the tron 2 sequel is eghhhhhhh.

They completly destroyed the plot sooo hard. Im very sad, + its with disney. WHY DISNEY WHY....


 ugh the tron 2 sequel is eghhhhhhh.

They completly destroyed the plot sooo hard. Im very sad, + its with disney. WHY DISNEY WHY....  

Yep, sequels usually arent as good as the original movie. Its especially high expectations that make them so disappointing! Only exceptions from that rule are:
-Terminator 2 (best action movie ever!)
-army of darkness (sequel to evil dead)

btw: the latest terminator movies werent that good, either. want my money back!

I love alot of different movies. I do remember the hackers movie. The bet they made about who would have to wear the dress... Yeah I can play all that in my head many times over. Some of my absolute favorite movies are Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange, Lost Highway, and just about everything that includes either Tim Burton and/or Johnny Depp. I love them both. Oh and the movies by Rob Zombie (House Of A Thousand Corpses, Devils Rejects, Halloween).
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