Your Favorite Dream
I wish to know your favorite dream.
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I know everyone here has a favorite dream, a dream that was so memorable and fantastic that you couldnt forget it if your tried, so tell me whats your favorite dream....

To start things off ill tell you mine, I had a dream a few weeks ago, where i was a deity, or at least I think I was, I was made of of star dust. My whole body seemed to be burting with cosmic energy and I could take on any shape I wished. Throughout the dream I floated through the galaxy adverting disaster and fixing things that had gone wrong, the dream seemed to go on forever. finally I woke up from this dream, but I stayed in bed for another hour trying to return to that dream, even though I knew it was a dream. It is my current favorite dream, though i know it wont be the last, I always seem to have interesting dreams...well when I remember them anyway.  
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How wonderfull! I had one about a year ago that has stuck with me forever...

At the start of the dream I found myself at the end of my road in a gorgeous wedding dress, and because Im obviously humiliated by it (despite there being nobody around) I ran home, my heels clicking on the pavement! Unfortunately it ended as i ran up my drive, and I've never experianced it since.

My second favourite dream was where I looked into a victorian era mirror and watched myself transform into a woman, victorian style an all! It seemed perfectly normal, and I spent a few minutes admiring myself. A tight corset with a large skirt down to my ankles, frills over everything, my hair long and curly, dark brown...

I'm listening to hypnosis which apparently makes you able to Lucid Dream (control your dream!) You can make ANYTHING happen! I cant wait till i can start, its definately possible!
Oh I just adore dreams and dreaming! 

I had completely lost the ability to do it until about a year ago.
I met a friend who talked about her dreams all the time, and as I listened and gained the desire to have dreams myself I started again!
She used to get the lucid dreams that Niki is talking about :) (and I had a small one that I will tell you about in a second)

Unfortunately I haven't seen her for a while and the ability slowly started to slip away from me again until I lost it, however I have found a new method!

I keep a dream diary by my bed, just writing down, even key words seems to strengthen dream recall, even more so writing them down as soon as I wake up rather than waiting till the evening to talk to my friend and try and piece them together.
In it I write my bed time, the time I've woken up, how many units of alcohol I have drunk (which is also a good method of keeping that down as I have to declare it hehe) and everything that I can remember as soon as I wake up.

If I am a good little girl and write it all down (and sometimes when you first wake up motivation can be hard!) then I reward myself with a glittery disney princess sticker  

A dream I remember really really enjoying:

It is quite difficult to describe because sometimes in dreams the rules of things are all mixed around aren't they? Purple cats for example can be common place and I have found emotions can be strange too.
Unfortunately, this was so long ago I really don't remember too much specifically and I wasn't writing them down at that point either so I have no reference.

I was a little girl, very young and I had this dress that was white on one side and black on the other, so you could reverse it and have two outfits, it was so thrilling and exciting wearing this dress and I was so ecstatically happy about it throughout the entire dream.
The little girl character was very strange though, as I haven't really experienced full transformation in dreams yet. There were a lot of adults going around talking about things, but it was irrelevant to my young mind, there was even a large important meeting that in my waking life I would have at least have been a little nosey about but in the dream it was just so much white noise.

Now for the lucid dream.
Although in a full one it is possible to completely change the environment and the characters and well...everything, in my dream I could only control my own actions.
That being said, what an amazing sence of liberation! In the dream I was flying through the clouds and over fields! It was amazing!
I have had a few other lucid dreams but most of them have just been awareness of the fact that I am dreaming with no control whatsoever.
They can be very strange things, something about realising you're asleep engages the imagination part of your mind and pushes it into overdrive. You can feel wind on your face, hear birds singing. Colours can get very very vivid and beautiful, they really are amazing experiences!

I do hope to have more, but it may be a while before that happens. In my prime I was remembering 5 dreams a week, now, even with the diary its only about once every 3 or 4 days, but I am sure I will get back up there!
Baby Butch
I have had a strange reoccuring dream, although not lately. I am in bed sleeping and my body remains in the fetal position and I just float up out of bed and travel back to places in my past.

Only in the dream I am always put in diapers by old friends and family members. Sometimes they also put me in girls clothes, then I just spend the day with them as if nothing was unusual.

Also sometimes in this dream I am force feed baby food by this machine that just shoots my mouth full and eventually I poop. I used to enjoy this dream, it seemed so real.
i had my favorite dream when i was 7 and it started out as a nightmare.

in this dream i looked around and i am surounded by all sorts of sports players all beating me up. they were all screaming "be a man like us! love what we do" as they just kept beating on me i was geting ready to cry. when sudenly i look up and a ballerina came leaping out and as she was dancing all the sports players began to vanish into dust. as she finished spining she smiled at me. softly she told me to folow my heart and as she said that my heart began to glow. the glow then covered me. when i came to i looked down and i was dressed just like the ballerina. the ballerina just giggled and told me "you look lovely" then she dissapeared and in her place stood the prince from swan lake. he held out his hand and asked me to dance. my body without hesitation flung itself into him and we did a perfect waltz. it was then that i realized with no question i was transgender, but i would not know that word till later.
i love roleplaying
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