XXX my evening
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hey all,

what is everyone up too tonight, for me im in my plaid flannel nightgown and my diaper and ruffled panties. Just trying to keep my sissy mind out of trouble. I shaved my legs today and now i thought i would paint my toe nails, pink of course, I may watch a movie but im having fun being on sissy kiss again. I want to be in my dresses but I still need a few things like some shoes and tights but im hoping that will be solved with a trip to the mall tomorrow.

sissy baby katy  
Don't pretend, I think you know I'm precious
And I am the mother f______ princess

Hugs and sissy kisses,

Sissy Baby Katy

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Dear Katy:

Glad to hear you're having fun! Lately I've been dehairing myself (except for the top of my head) once a week. Pink toenails for me are not advisable, as my non-feminine other half takes Tae Kwon Do lessons where we are in our bare feet. The real girls might have nail polish on their toes, but not the nonbiofemmes.

Do you wear pantyhose under your real life clothes when you go to work? I've done so a number of times. It feels very sensuous for a while, but when I get home the first thing I do is take the pantyhose off.


WEll Prissie I have on occasion worn panty hose to work, too. I like my feminine side. I keep my legs shaved and love nail polish i do my toes but working on the nerve to paint my finger nails. I come out to my family about my feminine side and that went better than i expected. I have to be honest and most already new so i wasnt to careful. Well i better gp now as i am hoping to go shopping today I need some new tights and some girlie shoes

sissy baby katy
Don't pretend, I think you know I'm precious
And I am the mother f______ princess

Hugs and sissy kisses,

Sissy Baby Katy

Baby Butch
Sissy Baby Katy: I am sitting home tonight and just added to my new story. I am just wearing mens clothes at this time. Later I like to put on a thick diaper and relax. Maby put on a pink nightgown and tights. I usually keep the diaper on and end up sleeping in a diaper. : )

Prissie: I am a tights and pantyhose lover too. I have worn panties and pantyhose under my clothes and went out and mowed the lawn. It was fun and my landlord, daughter, and grandaughter never knew about it.

I also occasionally wear them in public, like shopping or taking a walk. I went door to door as a salesman the same way. I became worried when a dog came after me walking. Probably would have got caught if the dog bit me.
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